London Fashion Week 2016 - from Head to Toes, a diverse look
It's been one month since the London Fashion Week SS 2017 collection kicked off at Brewer's Street Carpark under some funny weather with sunshine and rains mixed in the week. Fashionista flocking to the shows are also mixed with a good diversity of style and look.
Thanks to the beautiful eye wear brands around the world, we see a lot of good looking sunnies matching perfectly with the pretty faces and expression. Hair style has also gone more 'street style' and diverse.
The overall look ranges from 70s (hippies) to the flashy and cyber look (the metallic garment and jackets), and red is still on trend (or never out of).
The details gets even more interesting especially shoes and sandals here and there.
And tomorrow I'll be at Tokyo Fashion Week SS17 - stay tuned for more !